Dutch designer Dennis Parren development cyan, magenta and yellow LED bulbs cast a shadow. We all know that white light is a combination of different colors are created when the wavelength . So, when you use this phenomenon to create a light bulb , what happens ? This is the Dutch designer Dennis Parren do , when he developed his CMYK bulb. Ah , sort . Expanded from his original CMYK lamp 2011 graduation project , the Dutch Design Academy Eindhoven , the white LED light bulb down ( we assume that the "K" is a part of , CMYK) - placed equidistant around the lamp , cyan , magenta red and yellow LED up. This is quite interesting and spectacular results from whatever a triple casting a shadow in front of the LED - one in every three colors . Parren on his website said : "This is the first light bulb to create colored shadows , but also with the existing color is very beautiful , " - but the designers have formed their own shadow , to go with the lamp. Called " diamond" , folded into the surface shape of polypropylene stone , tiny holes , so that the escape of light in different colors and flash . " I chose this shaped like a real diamond through the hole, because the light shine ," Parren said. "The most expensive diamond ." The CMYK E27 screw bulb is € 95, or the lamp shade is diamond € 160, both from Parren sites. |